Senin, 13 November 2017

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

Hai kawan.. Ngomongin soal proverb sama riddle , uhmm... Nggak akan kelar kayaknya ya... Proverb merupakan pribahasa sedangkan riddle adalah teka-teki. disini aku akan nge-share proverb and riddle ( *lumayan abis nugas sekalian ngepost :P  ) lets check this out !!

1.           1.      Fruitless life is a useless life
           – Hidup yang tak berarti adalah yang tak melakukan apapun yang bermanfaat.
2.            A good example is the best sermon
– Akhlak yang terpuji adalah nasehat terbaik.
3.            A good book as a great friend
– Buku yang bermanfaat adalah sahabat terbaik.
4.            A little is better than none
 – Sedikit lebih baik daripada tidak sama sekali
5.            A man is known by the companion he keeps
 – Pribadi seseorang bisa dilihat dari siapa temannya.
6.            A slader is more dangerous than murder
– Memfitnah itu lebih kejam daripada membunuh.
7.            A pot cannot call a kettle black
 – Jangan pernah menghina orang lain kalau kita tidak ingin dihina.
8.            A man without ambition is like a bird without wing
 – Orang yang tidak mempunyai cita-cita ibarat burung tak bersayap.
9.            A stumble may prevent a fall
 – Selalu bersyukur atas setiap nikmat (kecil) akan berbuah sesuatu (kenikmatan) yang besar.
10.          A tree is known by its fruit
– Seseorang dinilai dari karyanya. Seseorang dinilai dari akhlaknya.
11.          Be what you wanna be
– Jadilah diri sendiri.
12.          Bending without breaking
– Mengalah tidak selalu berarti kalah.
13.          Better forgiven than resentment
 – Lebih baik memaafkan daripada mendendam.
14.          Better late than never
– Lebih baik terlambat daripada tidak mencoba sama sekali
15.          Better lose the saddle than the horse – Terkadang kita harus merelakan kehilangan suatu hal yang kecil, daripada mempertahankannya namun beresiko kehilangan semuanya.
16.          Blood is thicker than water
– Keluarga haruslah lebih diutamakan sebelum orang lain.
17.          By learning to obey, we know to command
– Dengan belajar untuk patuh, kita jadi tahu bagaimana untuk memerintah.
18.          Cut your coat according to your cloth
 – Hiduplah sederhana sesuai penghasilan anda.
19.          Charity begins at home
– Menjaga dan membantu keluarga adalah tugas utama seseorang.
20.          Clothes don’t make he man
– Penampilan seseorang bisa menipu kita.
21.          Don’t put your eggs in one basket
 – Jangan membebani diri dengan semua masalah.
22.          Despise another, despise yourself
 – Merendahkan orang lain berarti merendahkan diri sendiri.
23.          Destroy something is easier than to construct
– Merusak sesuatu (apapun) lebih mudah daripada membangunnya.
24.          Don’t go too far in small
 – Jangan terlalu suka membesar-besarkan masalah yang kecil.
25.          Don’t put off till tomorrow what we can do today
 – Jangan tunda apapun yang bisa kita lakukan hari ini.
26.          Don’t judge the book by its cover
– Jangan suka menilai seseorang dari penampilan luarnya.
27.          Dream the impossible to reach the stars
 – Bermimpilah / bercita-citalah setinggi langit.
28.          Diligence is the mother of good fortune
 – Kecerdasan akan memberikan hasil terbaik.
29.          Disrection is the better part of valour
 – Jangan memperjuangkan hal yang tidak patut diperjuangkan.
30.          Diseases of the soul are more dangerous than those of the body
 – Penyakit hati lebih berbahaya daripada penyakit fisik.
31.          Do not count your chicken before they are hatched
– Jangan terlalu percaya diri sebelum suatu hal terjadi.
Bisa jadi suatu tersebut tidak sesuai dengan harapan kita.
32.          Do not dig your grave with your own knife and fork
 – Berpikir sebelum bertindak, apakah hal tersebut bernfaat bagi kita atau sebaliknya.
33.          Experience is the best teacher
 – Pengalaman memang guru yang terbaik, namun kebijaksanaan kita dalam mengambil hikmah yang menjadikannya terbaik.
34.          Early bird gets worm
 – Rezeki diperuntukkan bagi mereka yang segera berusaha.
35.          Money is easy come, easy go
 – Harta sangat mudah datang, dan mudah pergi.
36.          Easier said than done
– Lebih mudah berbicara daripada melakukan sesuatu.
37.          Easy to promise but hard to perform
– Suka mengumbar janji.
38.          Economic is the easy chair of old age
– Hemat pangkal kaya.
39.          Empty case has louder sound
– Tong kosong nyaring bunyinya.
40.          Enough is good as a feast
 – Kesederhanaan lebih baik daripada berlebihan.
41.          Every man is the architect of his own fortune
– Nasib setiap orang berada di tangannya sendiri.
42.          Every path has its puddle
– Setiap proses menuju kesuksesan akan selalu ada kesulitan yang dihadapi. Jadi bertahanlah.
43.          Experience is the father of wisdom
– Pengalaman menumbuhkan sifat kebijaksanaan.
44.          Failure is not misfortune
– Kegagalan bukanlah nasib buruk, melainkan pengingat untuk berinstropeksi diri.
45.          Fall one time and stand up thousand times
 – Tak pernah menyerah sebelum berhasil.
46.          Haste makes waste
 – Sesuatu yang dikerjakan dengan buru-buru akan menghasilkan sesuatu yang sia-sia. Jadi berpikirlah sebelum bertindak.
47.          Health is the greatest wealth
– Kesehatan adalah kekayaan terbesar.
48.          Idleness is the root all evils
– Pengangguran adalah akar dari semua kejahatan.
49.          If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys
– Kualitas yang didapat sesuai dengan harga yang dibayar. Kesuksesan seseorang sesuai dengan kerja keras yang ia lakukan.
50.          Knowledge in youth is wisdom in age
– Ilmu pengetahuan saat muda adalah kebijaksanaan di masa tua. Artinya berusahalah selagi muda, untuk kemakmuran di masa tua.
51.          In the end of the storm is a golden sky
– Akan selalu ada hikmah dibalik setiap kesulitan yang kita hadapi.
52.          Laziness is the key to beggary
– Kemalasan adalah awal dari kemiskinan.
53.          Leaving after having fun
 – Habis manis sepah dibuang.
54.          Life is not bed of roses
– Hidup ini bukanlah sebuah kesenangan belaka.
55.          Lost time never found
– Jangan pernah menyia-yiakan waktu anda.
56.          Many true word is spoken in jest
– Banyak kebenaran yang terucap dalam candaan.
57.          More haste, less speed
– Kerjakan sesuatu dengan cepat, bukan terburu-buru.
58.          Many little makes a mikle
– Belajar tidak memandang usia.
59.          Memory is the treasure of the mind
– Kenangan adalah harta karun yang sangat berharga. Banyak ide yang muncul darinya.
60.          United we stand, divided we fall
– Bersatu kita teguh, bercerai kita runtuh.
61.          Succuss never comes to the indolence
 – Kesuksesan tidak akan pernah datang kepada orang yang malas.
62.          Where there is a will, there is a away
– Dimana ada kemauan, disitu ada jalan.

63.          To err is human, to forgive is divine
– manusia itu tempatnya khilaf, Sedang Tuhan bersifat memafkan. Namun jangan pernah menganggap remeh sifat Pemaat tuhan.
64.          To talk without thinking is to shoot without aiming
 – berbicara tanpa berfikir terlebih dulu ibarat menembak tanpa membidik.

1.            What flies forever and never rests?Answer : The wind
2.       The faster you run, the faster it is. The slower you run, the slower it is.Answer : The shadow
3.          It doesn’t have foot but it can run. It always remind you of something.Answer : The time
4.            It is so sweet that two heart become one.Answer : Wall’s Ice Cream
5.            What is green and you can go?Answer : Traffic light
6.            What is green and you can’t go?Answer : Neutral light on your motor bike
7.            What has a face and two hands, but no arms no legs?Answer : A clock
8.            What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it.Answer : Short
9.            What word begins and ends with “E” but only has one letter?Answer : Envelope
10.          What has a neck but no head?Answer : A bottle
11.          Which letter of the alphabet has the most water?Answer : The C
12.       What starts with a “P”, and ends with an “E”, and has thousands of letter?Answer : Post Office
13.          What has to be broken before you can use it?Answer : An egg
14.          Why can’t a man living in New York be buried in Chicago?Answer : Because he is still living.

Why did the boy bury his flashlight?
Because the batteries were dead.
There are 5 birds in a tree. A hunter shoots 2 of them dead. How many birds are left?
2 birds. The other 3 fly away!
If a man was born in Italy, went to America and died in San Francisco, what would he be?
Why is the letter "T" like an island?
Because it is in the middle of waTer!
What starts with "P", ends with "E", and has millions of letters?
The "Post Office"!
What word begins with "e", ends with "e", and has one letter?
I have 12 legs, 12 arms and 8 heads. What am I?
A liar!
Why do witches have brooms?
Because vacuum cleaners are too heavy!
What is white when it's dirty and black when it's clean?
A blackboard
What did the ocean say to the beach?
Nothing, it just waved!
What letter of the alphabet is an insect?
B. (bee)
What letter is a part of the head?
I (eye)
What letter is a drink?
T (tea)
What letter is a body of water?
C (sea)
What letter is a vegetable?
P (pea)
What letter is looking for causes ?
Y (why)
What four letters frighten a thief?
O.I.C.U. (Oh I see you!)
What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment but not once in a thousand years?
The letter "m"
What word of only three syllables contains 26 letters?
Alphabet = (26 letters)
Why is "U" the happiest letter?
Because it is in the middle of "fun".
What way are the letter "A" and "noon" alike?
Both of them are in the middle of the "day".
Which is the loudest vowel?
The letter "I". It is always in the midst of noise
In what way can the letter "A" help a deaf lady?
It can make "her" "hear.
What relatives are dependent on "you"?
Aunt, uncle, cousin. They all need "U".
What is the end of everything?
The letter "g".
What has many keys but can't open any doors?
A piano.
Who earns money driving their customers away?
A taxi driver.
Can a kangaroo jump higher than the Empire State Building?
Yes, because the Empire State Building can't jump!
I do not have a husband but I have children. I am a mother of four children. I am a part of your body.
What has a neck, but no head?
What do tigers have that no other animals have?
Baby tigers.
What has teeth but can’t bite?
 Which room has no doors, no windows?
I have a mouth on my head and eat everything.What am I
The more you take, the more you leave behind.
 Two in a corner, 1 in a room, 0 in a house, but 1 in a shelter. What am I?
The letter r.
“Three eyes have I, all in a row; when the red one opens, all freeze.”
traffic light.
What is the end of everything?
The letter “g”.
How many letters are there in the English alphabet?
18 letters! 3 in “the”, 7 in “English”, and 8 in “alphabet”
Which vehicle is spelled the same forwards and backwards?
What is something you will never see again?
How do you make the number one disappear?
Add the letter G and it’s “GONE”
Take away my first letter, and I still sound the same. Take away my last letter, I still sound the same. Even take away my letter in the middle, I will still sound the same. I am a five letter word. What am I?
Imagine you are in a dark room. How do you get out?
Stop imagining
What comes down but never goes up?
An electric train slid with high speed towards the west. Train speed is 80 km / hour. From the north wind blows fast enough at 30 km / h. The question is, which way the train is blown fumes?
Electric trains do not fumes.
One day, a large ship anchored in the harbor. The ship was 30 m high. And heavy rain fell that day. It turns on every hour, half a meter of water increases. The question is, How long is it going to sink the ship?
The ship will not sink, because once of sea water increased, the ship will also be lifted up.
If you have me, you want to share me. If you share me, you haven’t got me. What am I?
Whichever is the greater, 75% of 57 or 57% of 75?
. If it takes one minute to boil one egg, how long it takes to boil ten eggs?
One minute. Boil only once.
I live above a star but never burn. I have 11 neighbors but they never turn. My initials are p, q, r and sometimes s. What am I?
Number 7 on a phone keypad
They travel all over the world but end up in the corner, what are they?
What flies forever and never rests?
The wind
The faster you run, the faster it is. The slower you run, the slower it is
The shadow
It doesn’t have foot but it can run. It always remind you of something.
The time
It is so sweet that two heart become one.
Wall’s Ice Cream
What is green and you can go?
Traffic light
What is green and you can’t go?
Neutral light on your motor bike
What has a face and two hands, but no arms no legs?
A clock
What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it.
What word begins and ends with “E” but only has one letter?
What has a neck but no head ?
A bottle
What starts with a “P”, and ends with an “E”, and has thousands of letter?
Post Office
What has to be broken before you can use it?
An egg
Why can’t a man living in New York be buried in Chicago?
Because he is still living.

Semoga bermanfaat...

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